Bruno D.

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Professional Goals

(English below) Nel mio futuro vedo la mia costante crescita professionale sia dal punto di vista tecnico che manageriale ed il confronto continuo con realtà nuove ed ambiti diversi delle applicazioni dell'elettronica. I see constant professional growth in my future, both from a technical and managerial point of view, together with the continuous discovery of new working environments and new electronics applications.

Engineering Manager
Leonardo Spa
in Pomezia, Roma Capitale, Lazio, 00071, Italia

01/2019 - Present

Core Competencies:

• Managed and supported avionic repairs both at equipment and PCB level; • Supervised and improved PCB repairs and troubleshooting working closely with manufacturing division; • Led repair investigations for cockpit Displays & Controls management equipment; • Developed models for improving and increasing repair outcome; • Supported technical issues with clients in more than 7 countries all over the world.
Research Intern
Centre for Bio-Inspired Technologies
in Imperial College London, Exhibition Road, Knightsbridge, Londra, Greater London, Inghilterra, SW7 2AZ, Regno Unito

09/2017 - 07/2018

Core Competencies:

• Developed prototype for electrochemical sensing and EIS using commercial devices (uC development board) and an AFE IC designed at ICL; • Conceived, designed and assembled battery-less PCB (schematics, layouts, manufacturing and assembly) for bio-sensing and electrochemical impedance analysis w/ energy harvesting features and NFC modules, for use in multiple sensing applications in combination with various sensors.
Sapienza University of Rome, EPFL - Lausanne, Imperial College London
Degree: Master of Science in Electronics Engineering

2015 - 2018


Grade: with honours Master's degree in Electronics Engineering carried out as: • 1-year courses at Sapienza University of Rome; • 1-year courses at EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne; • 9 months thesis internship at Imperial College London. Thesis: "Portable Devices for Bio-Sensing and Impedance Analysis" - Supervisors: Prof. Irrera, Prof. Georgiou, Dr. Ghoreishizadeh
Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Degree: Advanced Course in Sound Engineering

2015 - 2015


Specialization course with a focus on: • Environmental acoustics and sound waves propagation; • Transducers and speakers; • Analog and digital filters, audio amplifiers, and DSPs; • Indoor and outdoor sound systems setup techniques.
Sapienza University of Rome
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering

2011 - 2015


Thesis: "Applications of Electronics in the Treatment of Retinal Degenerative Diseases" (Italian
"Sandro Pertini" Ladispoli
Degree: Liceo Classico Sperimentale "Brocca"

2006 - 2011


A "Liceo Classico" offers a wide selection of subjects, but the central subjects are those related to literature. Several hours are also dedicated to the study of history and philosophy. Brocca program adds to the traditional classical lyceum: the study of law and economics, chemistry and physics labs, computer science, and more hours of math and science studies (chemistry, biology, earth science).

C1 - Advanced


C2 - Proficiency

Hard skills

Analisi Performance, Efficientamento Processi, Analisi Circuitale, Electronics Manufacturing, Sistemi Hardware, Software Embedded

Soft skills

Public Speaking, Capacità Organizzative

Skills I'd like to learn or improve

Team Management, Leadership, Business Management

Other information

Appassionato di fitness e CrossFit, amo la cultura culinaria e passare tempo di qualità con la mia famiglia ed i miei amici.

Plans for the future

Costante crescita professionale.