Luca Stefoni

Software Engineer · Experienced

Latina, Italia · Available in 60 days

C++ | 21 more...

Luca S. headshot
Professional Goals

I hold a degree in Software Engineering and have been immersed in the IT world since 2018. My passion for technology and innovation has been a driving force throughout my career.
My ideal workplace is a technological and dynamic environment where, I can contribute with my experience but also where I can learn a lot and expand my knowledge. 
A notable challenge for me has been balancing the responsibilities of being a student worker. However, through dedication and effective teamwork, I not only fulfilled my academic commitments but also augmented my experience in the field of IT.

IT Automation Engineer
WindTre S.p.A
in Roma, Roma, Lazio, Italia

07/2022 - Present

Core Competencies:

- Optimizing core operations processes by implementing new digital tools.
   Using Python and Java.
Monitor platforms and build dashboard for service KPIs.
Software Engineer
Metapack Engineering S.R.L
in Aprilia, Latina, Lazio, 04011, Italia

09/2018 - 07/2022

Core Competencies:

Implementation of software aimed at tracking the product during the industrial production process, using C++ and .NET
International Telematic University UNINETTUNO - Rome, RM
Degree: MSc student in Software Engineering

2022 - Present

University of Rome "La Sapienza" - Rome, RM
Degree: BSc in Software Engineering

2016 - 2022

Technology high school "Guglielmo Marconi" Informatics branch- Latina, LT
Degree: Diploma of Computer Science Expert

2011 - 2015


B2 - Upper intermediate


C2 - Proficiency

Hard skills

C++, Java, Python, PHP, Html, CSS, Mysql, SQL, Big Data, Big query, Kubernetes, Database, Unix, Linux, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Grafana, Kafka, HADOOP, Spark, Map Reduce, GitHub

Other information

Basketball has been a relevant aspect of my life for more than 13 years, cultivating invaluable teamwork skills that I consider essential in any environment.