Danilo C.


Barbiere\ parrucchiere

Skills: Gestione Lavorativa,Lavorare in Team

Available Now

Danilo Chiera headshot

Federica C.


Available Now

Federica Capra headshot

Manuel P.

Join in: 1 Days

Salary: EUR 7K

Manuel Pagliaroli headshot

Kishan Kumar D.

Skills: C Language,Python,Html

Join in: 15 Days

Salary: USD 300K

Kishan Kumar Dash headshot

Deepak K.

Seeking a Python Programmer position in a reputable company that permits me to...

Skills: WEB Developer,Python,Database,Mysql,Html,CSS,Flask,Django

Available Now

Salary: INR 250K

Deepak Kumar headshot

Raluca Beatrice C.

Customer Support and technical Specialist with German & English

🌴 Laptop Lifestyle 🍹 Digital Nomad 🌟 Highly motivated by the salary 🚀

Skills: Troubleshooting,Tedesco,Inglese

Available Now

Raluca Beatrice C. headshot

Abdul Wasi B.

Network monitoring engineer

Increase your core skills. Grow your professional network. Advance in your...

Skills: Html,CSS,Bootstrap,React JS,Mongodb,Javascript

Available Now

Salary: INR 450K

Abdul Wasi Bhat headshot

Francesco C.

Commercial advisor

Sono Francesco Ceramica, ho 27 anni, durante il mio intero percorso accademico in...

Skills: Marketing,Strategia Aziendale,Office...

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Francesco Ceramica headshot

Gloria C.


Fashion Designer

Skills: Progettazione Collezione Moda,Stylist,Progettazione...

Join in: 30 Days

Salary: EUR 24

Gloria Chiriví headshot

Matteo D.

Aiuto cuoco

Sono una persona volenterosa, molto motivato e con tanta voglia di imparare e...

Skills: Cucinare,la Comunità,Analisi di Controllo Qualità

Available Now

Salary: EUR 30